Rituals & Practices


A Guide To Phallus Worship

The sacred art of Phallus or Cock worship, is it even a thing? Yes, it is! And I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t require a bunch of magical Tantric sex techniques to achieve … in fact, cock worship is a simple and erotic practice that anyone can enjoy if they want it enough.

So, what is cock worship? Well it’s a beautiful practice that involves worshipping and lavishing attention on the cock of your choice … naturally cock worship is best enjoyed with a lover of whom you adore.

The gift of cock worship is that the man who is receiving can do just that; surrender to the woman (or man) who is worshipping them and receive the gift of presence and pleasure that unfolds in the space.

And for the worshipper, it is a complete honour to worship the cock that you have chosen, and not surprisingly the practice is often extremely erotic and transformational for both the worshipper, and the worshipped.

Ready to begin? Here’s eight simple ways you can begin your own cock worshipping practice today:

1 Full presence

How often does a man have the full presence of their lover worshipping their penis? In everyday life, not very often. Presence is highly important and absolutely essential when worshipping cock.

Begin by simply sitting or kneeling in front of your man in complete silence. Connect with his eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Notice the sound of his breath, the way he moves his body … take time to feel into the energy of his cock. This may be a new experience for him, keep in mind that he may feel nervous, aroused, excited … all at once.

Stay fully present throughout the entire worshipping ritual. Look at his cock. Stay connected with his eyes. Stay wholeheartedly present with yourself, with him, and with the experience.

2 Use your words

Have you told him what you truly love about his cock? Just like women, men often have hang ups around the appearance, smell and taste of their own penis. Hearing you talk about his cock with reverence and respect will be a hugely healing and possibly erotic moment for him.

Here’s some examples:

“I love how your cock feels in my hands”

“I love how your cock bends to the left slightly”

“I love how hard your cock is”

“I love your cock when it’s soft”

“I love how your cock feels when it’s in my mouth”

“I worship your cock”

“I love everything about your cock”

“I love how you taste in my mouth”

… you get the idea!

Remember to be really authentic with your words. Don’t say stuff you don’t mean … find things that you truly appreciate and love about him and his cock and express them with authenticity and presence.

3 Take your time

The biggest mistake you can make is to rush this beautiful ritual. TAKE YOUR TIME. Begin by simply witnessing his cock without touch. Then, if you feel to, slowly touch, massage, kiss, lick and tease his cock gently with your hands and mouth. Bring awareness and loving presence to your touch; experiment with using the five elements in how you touch his body – air, water, fire, earth and ether (more on that in my eBook Ecstatic Sex & Deep Intimacy).

4 Savour every inch

Often it’s assumed that a man just wants to be touched up and down in a rhythmic motion along the shaft of his penis until he cums. Well, this is NOT the aim of cock worship … the aim is to savour EVERY inch of his cock. Don’t make the mistake of trying to get him to ejaculate! That’s NOT what this process is about!

Take time worshipping every. little. inch. His balls, his asshole, his perineum, the base, the shaft, the tip, his foreskin (if he’s uncircumcised), the tip … worship his cock from top to bottom, I guarantee he will LOVE it, and likely so will you.

5 Embrace his scent and taste

Every man tastes and smells different at different times of the day/week/month/year. Embrace his unique scent and taste and make sure you tell him how much you love it!

6 Eye contact

Eye contact is the gate way to the soul. When you are touching, licking, kissing and sucking his cock, look him in the eyes. Your eyes will tell him everything. Maintain eye contact … own it in your eyes, own the fact you love having him inside your mouth and he will know your sincerity simply by witnessing your eyes.

7 Own it with your heart and pussy

This cock worshipping practice can be a big turn on as the giver. Own that. Own that your pussy is wet. Own that your heart is exploding with love for this man. Tell him. Tell him with your words, and with your eyes, and with the authentic expression of sound and movement. Own your turn on, own your desire, own that you love worshipping cock!

8 Communicate

This practice is about HIM. It’s all about you serving, and him receiving. So, ask him what he wants more of. Ask him what he loves, what he desires, what feels good. Communication is the key to you both having a wonderful experience.

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